Since ancient times people gave great value to the hair, seeing in them, depending on their condition, either a beauty source, or the reason of vital failures.
Such values associated with hair, as individuality, force, consciousness and independence. And until now, for this purpose what to give to the shape unique style, people indefatigably make various manipulations with the hair: comb, cut, paint, twist, straighten, varnish also other cosmetic means.
As a hairdress - the dominating factor of our external shape and through it we try to inform to surrounding a certain emotional message we will always try to give to a hairdress the best kind. And so, today on the foreground there is a health of hair and correct care of them.
From all spectrum of procedures of care of hair, washing is the most important component as pursues both hygienic, and the cosmetic purposes.
For the healthy hair which not damaged and have been not exhausted, correct and timely washing – is minimum sufficient procedure on leaving. One - corrected here to wash hair it is necessary so often as it is necessary for you. But when we speak about leaving we mean healthy hair and at the shown problems, the question is put already about application of medical means. From all problems with hair dandruff - a problem which meets most often. For today the basic version of occurrence of dandruff is infectious, the activator – a pathogenic fungus is known also. It constantly exists on a head skin in a kind dispute but as soon as there are suitable conditions, the fungus passes in an active condition. And infringements of immune system, an improper feeding, hormonal shift, illnesses of a gastroenteric path can be conditions of its activization stress. As a result on a head skin appear a considerable quantity belesovato-yellowish scales but if the itch and the separate centres of reddening of a skin, it already symptoms seborrhea is added.
seborrhea name disease of a skin which is characterised superfluous fat formation and it is caused by various infringements in organism work, hormonal changes, an intoxication and others. Dandruff seldom happens a unique problem of hair and it is necessary to struggle at once with several problems simultaneously and complex means are for this purpose necessary.
In the world there is a large quantity of every possible means on care of hair and complex means on struggle against problems of hair and a head skin: these are medical shampoos, masks, lotions, balms, but universal remedies do not happen and the more their variety, the bigest the help can be rendered quantity of people.
Firm "Phyto-aromat" lets out a new kind of a hair balsam - "Arina". Originality and novelty of the given working out consists that for a basis of medical influence extracts of plants lipophical character – СО2 extracts are taken. And it is the most energetically sated components of vegetative cages of herbs.
Adhering to a principle of reasonable sufficiency, seven have been entered into "Arina's" composition well proved in the field herbs; calendulas, nettles, hop, a grape stone, a fir and castor-oil plant. And as in business are started up lipophical extracts, т.е fat-soluble also a basis or their carrier noble olive oil has served. We know, from history of application of olive oil that it well gets, in difference from other oils, through a horn layer to epiderm skin, carrying by all useful biologically active substances which in it are dissolved, making thus a necessary food and protection of a skin and hypodermic formations.
Balm "Arina", as well as other balms urged to feed hair with vitamins, the oils, necessary acids and minerals together with to protect from excessive activity of pathogenic microbes.
Let's consider in brief "Arina's" components.
Extract of a root of a burdock. East saying says about it: «the medicine that costs one thousand coins, grows at the wattle fence». As a herb the burdock is known from an extreme antiquity and is mentioned in many medieval herbalists. The root extract contains: radio bardanical and fat oils, tannins, palmitic and stearin acids, pitches and so at an extract there are such microcells as copper, the titan, a pine forest, manganese, vanadium, iron, etc. It is known that turnip oil possesses property on strengthening of hair, especially at alopecia.
The calendula extract possesses a wide range of pharmacological activity: it possesses antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, allheal, spasmolytic properties. Are considerably expressed its bactericidal and antifungus properties. As a part of balm the calendula extract promotes elimination of an inflammation and suppression of growth of fungi, renders spasmolytic effect on head skin vessels. The nettle extract possesses polyvitaminic property and contains such vitamins as: With, To, В2, carotin, pantothenic acid, asulen, tannins, and as a significant amount of such microcells as chrome, manganese, vanadium, aluminium. In balm, the nettle extract stimulates granulation and epithelization the amazed fabrics of a skin, renders also bactericidal properties. The extract has well proved in many perfumery-cosmetic means and in particular in preparations on care of hair.
Hop extract we will well dissolve in oils and contains organic acids, tokoferols, sterins, carotinoids and essence, possesses biostimulating properties at the expense of phytohormones-tsitohinonov, carrying out the general activization of a metabolism in an organism. Connection fitohormones with the organic complexes containing salts of zinc, considerably extends time of their action for an organism that is important for a growing old skin and for stimulation of growth of hair.
Fir extract as we will well dissolve in oils, contains a considerable quantity of aromatic substances, vitamins A, D, E, F, K, P. Thanking fitoncids, the fir extract possesses bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, soothing properties, its action is very effective at dermatitis a various origin that does its irreplaceable in perfumery-cosmetic preparations: shampoos, ointments, creams, masks and balms
The extract of a grape stone is the most universal extract for the majority of perfumery-cosmetic preparations as contains in enough a strong natural antioxidant (preservative) – tocopherol or skin vitamin – vitamin E. The considerable maintenance восков provides high ability to connect and keep a moisture, and presence in an extract of free fat acids, provides plasticizer properties that is certainly valuable to the majority of cosmetic preparations, including for balm "Arina".
However, it is necessary to tell that at all useful qualities of the components entering into given balm, even it is not necessary to consider it as panacea from all your problems in hair. It is very important to understand that care of hair, as well as care of any other part of a body, is a lifelong employment. It is impossible to look after hair month-other, and then to forget about it, hoping that they till the end of a life will be now healthy. Be consecutive and patient and do not leave your hair without leaving. Any problem does not arise in one stage as in one stage it and cannot be removed. To properties of balm put patience, a regularity and desire to leave a problem. It is recommended to spend procedures every other day a course not less than ten times. The balm expense is individual from 6 to 8 ml on one procedure.
Balm "ARINA" - a non-polluting product also does not contain synthetic components.
Indications to application: the Hair fall, dandruff, dryness and fragility of hair, seborrhea, pustulous formations, eczema.
The instruction on application: Put warm balm on a head skin and in regular intervals distribute a wadded or gauze tampon. After drawing, finger-tips, intensively rub in a skin in a current of several minutes. Then, having put on a polyethylene hat or having wrapped up a head a towel, allow to balm to work on your hair in a current of hour then wash out a head shampoo.
It is recommended to spend procedures every other day a course to ten times. The balm expense is individual from 6 to 8 ml on one procedure.
Structure: Olive oil, СО2 extracts of a calendula, a nettle, a burdock, hop, a grape stone, oil fir, castor oil.
Period of storage 2 years
To store in the blacked out and cool place.