«We carefully save the soul of a plant in every drop of our Balm, to give it to you»
Our motto reflects the implied sense we give for the terms of “CO2-extract” or “Balm”. For the last 20 years, we have passed the way from the idea of implementing subcritical CO2 technology in Kazakhstan to the industrial CO2 setups manufacturing. Today Fito-Aromat produce more than 20 kinds of CO2-extracts using the new generation setups.
Aromatherapy – the complete art directed on awakening of internal abilities of an organism to self-improvement and achievement of harmony of a body, emotions and spirit.
Aromatherapy - is the use of aromatic essential oils for therapeutic purposes . It is a set of techniques that allow the immune system to protect the man to give it more energy.
The most effective and enjoyable method of aromatherapy is considered aromatherapy massage.
It is a paste-like mass from light to dark brown color with a characteristic smell mummy and a slight scent of rose hips, taste sweet, bitter.
It includes, natural mountain honey as basic framework, mummy Altai and CO2 - extract of rose hips.
This oil- trapping CO2 Balsam St. John's wort , dissolved in the desired concentration in olive oil.
The herb St. John's wort as a highly effective therapeutic agent , used by mankind for over two and a half thousand years.