Fito mags

СНПЧ А7 Чебоксары, обзоры принтеров и МФУ

Aromatic balms 
Firms "Fito-aromat"

Visible scientists of the last centuries Paracelsus, Avitsenna and others in the works by balms named dense, resinous liquids with a strong specific smell – solutions of pitches in essence. Then, more later, balms began to name a medicine, extracts, various extracts and even preparations, anything the general on a chemical compound not having with true balms, but frequently possessing miracle curative force.
  Aromatherapy – the complete art directed on awakening of internal abilities of an organism to self-improvement and achievement of harmony of a body, emotions and spirit.


Balms «Fito mag 1» and «Fito mag 2», first of all, one of aromatherapy effective remedies. This preventive and pleasant influence on our organism at threat of respiratory virus diseases, including flu. Applying balms, we directly co-operate with thin energy the wildlife, expressed in aromas.
 Balms suppress activity and ability to live of the majority of viruses, microbes and some fungi in contact environment with the person. Thus, they promote preventive maintenance of infectious diseases, both on a skin surface, and in an organism. And if you have missed protective, preventive measures and were ill, they accelerate recover and prevent occurrence of complications.
Effective properties of balms are caused by a harmonious composition of aromatic and biologically active substances and their properties supplementing and strengthening each other.Each kind of the aromatic oils which are a part of balms, possesses the, strongly pronounced influence on this or that spectrum of viruses, pathogenic microbes and fungi. Correctly gathered, they repeatedly multiply the force in struggle against invisible enemies, thus being good allies of immune system of the person.
 The basic properties of balms «Fito mag 1» and «Fito mag 2» are identical, but structures have small distinction. This distinction on structure is caused by different emotional perception of aromas that plays an essential role in harmonization of energy of the person and energy of the given preparation.
  «Fito the magician 1» consists of fir oil, oil эвкалипта, СО2-extract a fir and and oil extract of a root of a burdock. «The magician 2» has Fito same, but quantitatively changed structure, and with addition СО2-extract of a juniper Cossack.

  Fir essence - the basic and defining component of "Fito mag», contains in a significant amount fitoncids complexes – natural antibiotics, to 47 % terpene, to 40 % bornilacetato, tocopherol, camphor, flavonoids, caratinoids, ascorbic acid.

Cineol – the basic actively operating component of essence eucalipto (to 80 % of structure) possesses strong bactericidal action.

In structure So2-ekstrakta of a fir Siberian there are an alpha and beta carotins, antocians, to 36 % bornilacetatos, to 19 % of camphor, 8 % an alpha pinen, 2 % of borneol. All these biologically active substances in a complex strongly complicate a life of pathogenic microbes.
СО2-extract A juniper Cossack contains: pitches, organic acids (acetic, ant, apple, ascorbic), juniper camphor, cadinen, pinen, fitonicids.  Waxform and the resinous substances which are available in this extract, are a habitat for fat-soluble vitamins and provitamins (And, Д, Е, To,) At an extract there are such microcells, as manganese, iron, copper, aluminium.
Biologically active components of a root of a burdock, such as: fat and essence (0.15 %), bitterness, tannins, possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobic properties and add the effect at cutaneous diseases: экземе, seborrhea, eels.
Indications to application:

  At diseases bronchilungs systems: a flu, quinsy, a tracheitis, a sharp and chronic tonsillitis, a sharp and chronic bronchitis, a pneumonia, a tuberculosis. It is recommended to spend, in a combination to complex therapy, inhalation by balm.
  In complex therapy and for preventive maintenance of diseases of the oporno-impellent device and peripheral nervous system: a pain and weariness of muscles, a pain in a waist and a backbone, a polyarthritis, art roses, a radiculitis, a neuralgia. To spend local massage, rubbing in problem places of 10-20 drops of balm.

  At problems with a skin: a rash, an inflammation, intertrigo, whitlow, furunculosis. To use as the additive to cosmetic means (5-7 drops for 10 of a basis).

  In complex therapy of frustration of the central nervous system: weariness, a nervous tension, depression, neurosises, stress. To use balm during reception of baths (10-20 drops). Periodic reception of baths provides antisclerous, adaptogennical and general strengthening effects.
  In a flu epidemic periodically to spend inhalation of the vital space - a workplace, a bedroom. It is desirable to apply a portable personal inhaler in transport or other public places. At disease first signs it is good to accept sauna procedures, using balms (10-15 drops on a body or a broom) in a steam room.

 Health, as they say, it not absence of disease. It is good state of health. The aromatherapy balm «Fito mag», no doubt, can help you with achievement of such state of health. Good luck!

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