Mint oil concerns group of anti-inflammatory cosmetic oils, it contains essence, sapogenin, carotin, tannins, asulenogen, tocopherol, fospholipds, polynonsaturated fat acids, wax of fitosterin, vitamin D. Essence contains menthol, menton, mentilacetat, etc. Mint oil possesses anaesthetising, bactericidal and spasmolitical property, causes local narrowing of vessels, reduces a skin itch, is reflex expands vessels of heart, a brain and lungs. The maintenance waxs provides good ability to connect and keep a moisture. The maintenance of a significant amount of nonsaturated fat acids (vitamin F), provides plasticize properties of cosmetic products. It is recommended as medical preventive massage oil possessing sedative means at hypererethism, a sleeplessness and various neurotic conditions. Aroma of mint helps to create good mood.