Eastern elixir

Represents pastelike weight from light to dark brown colour with a characteristic smell mummy and a light aroma of hips, taste sweet, with bitterness. «East elixir» possesses very wide range of medical application. Into its structure enters, natural mountain honey, as a base basis, mummy Altay and СО2-extract hips.
            Honey – liquid gold of the nature, with what incomparable on nutritiousness and curative properties a product. In the ancient time honey considered as the great gift of gods wonderfully granted on the earth for the blessing and happiness of people. It in health was used by tsars and commoners, using as means from many illnesses.

In national medicine honey was long since applied to treatment of wounds and ulcers. At imposing of a bandage with honey in a wound the blood-groove and lymph outflow amplify, the best conditions for a food of cages are created, harmful microbes (intestinal and dysenteric sticks, streptococci, staphylococcus, etc.) are destroyed Honey stimulates appetite, strengthens secretory function mucous a stomach. At the expense of a considerable quantity of fructose and organic acids it possesses small irritating action on mucous a gastroenteric path and causes easy laxative effect. The daily moderate use of honey regulates intestines work. In honey the considerable quantity of glucose and fructose which are easily acquired by a liver contains. At a hepatitis and pancreas diseases full replacement of sugar by the given product is recommended. Honey allows to restore quickly working capacity as glucose is not only the basic energy source, but also in the course of its exchange in cages are formed special sugar pentose, necessary for synthesis nucleotide – substances very important for normal ability to live of an organism. Fructose promotes fuller mastering of the iron necessary for an organism for normal hematopoiesis. But it is necessary to consider that honey does not need to be accepted to people it is necessary for them to limit carbohydrates or the allergic diathesis to honey is observed.

The honey structure includes also some enzymes: invertasis, diastasis, katalasis, sour phosphatasis and others. All of them accelerate the biochemical reactions proceeding in an organism. Thus each enzyme operates only on certain substance or group of similar substances on a chemical compound.

The second and major component of "East elixir» is the unique substance given by the nature - mummy. Among the numerous means successfully applied throughout many centuries in various areas of medicine including at treatment of crises of bones, ancient manuscripts, books and national legends name mummy (greek. Keeping a body). Mummy or mountain balm - the product formed under the influence of physical and chemical processes of the nature – till today conceals many riddles. From time immemorial it was applied to treatment of various illnesses and today has got the rebirth in the countries of the East, Small, Central and Central Asia.

In sources of classical medicine of the East it is described two kinds mummy and both kinds are found out in territory of Central Asia in cracks of remote rocks at height 2800-3200m above sea level.
History of application of this means as medicinal, totals more than three thousand years. It was widely applied in medicine of Iran, India, Central Asia, China. In manuscripts reached up to now, written in different languages, with amazing unanimity affirms that mummy - the curative balm curing the person from illnesses of a stomach and kidneys, a tuberculosis and an asthma, a paralysis and inflammatory processes, diseases of heart and an eye, helps at a poisoning with phytogenesis poisons, at a diabetes, wounds, ulcers, burns, furuncles and carbuncle, tumours and especially miracle image influences merging of bones at crises. Physicians of the ancient East asserted that black balm – mummy, surpasses a ginseng in the action.

The chemical and spectral analysis a mummy has revealed in it 25 microcells (molybdenum, calcium, beryllium, fluorine, barium, silicon, manganese, cobalt, the titan, strontium and others) and a considerable quantity of the organic substances studied in much smaller degree. According to scientists, mummy contains 67 % extraction substances (benzoic and fat acids, tyrosine, leucine, various pitches and gum, albumens and a number of other connections). Such variety of substances of the mineral and organic nature representing, in essence, «a building material» for bodies and fabrics, also is at the bottom of successful application of this product at the heaviest crises of bones and at treatment of many diseases. Many doctors, mineralogist, writers, poets mention beneficial influence mummy on a human body. It applied to activation of regeneration of a bone muscle, at diseases of a liver, a spleen, cardiovascular and nervous diseases, defeats of peripheral nervous system and a skin, and also as soothing and a resolvent. The belief in miracle balm, in its properties was boundless. Rich merchants and travellers did not go to a way without a particle of the given medicine. Ancient east proverb says: «Only mummy will rescue from death».

Modern representation about medical action mummy is based on the data of the last centuries, the base of thousand-year experience of studying mummy scientists and doctors experts. After careful analyses and laboratory researches it has been established that the preparation mummy, entered even in the big doses, did not cause harmful changes in an organism.

Materials of I interrepublican symposium on experimental studying testify to interest to the given substance and its properties mummy, taken place in 1965 in Dushanbe; a symposium of Pyatigorsk scientific research institute of balneology and physiotherapy in 1972 and a symposium on experimentally-clinical research Asian mummy in Tashkent in 1972, etc.

It is scientifically proved that mummy possesses antibacterial properties, without showing carcinogenicity at long application inside and outwardly that mummy stimulates regenerative processes at a myocardium heart attack, accelerates healing of wounds, processes of regeneration of muscular, bone, nervous fabrics and blood are stimulated.

Under influence mummy healing of purulent wounds occurs in 2,5 times faster Clinical tests mummy were spent on sick of a stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut in two clinics: the Leningrad sanitary-and-hygienic medical institute and at the Tadjik medical institute. Patients accepted mummy within 24-26 days. Full treatment was observed at 95,6 % of patients and considerable improvement - at the others of 4,4 %. Some patients had accompanying diseases – a chronic cholecystitis (an inflammation of a bilious bubble) and chronic colit (an inflammation of a thick gut) which also disappeared at treatment.
  On the data of the Moscow stomatologic institute mummy it is useful for correction of the immune status of the person at hidden immunedeficit conditions. It was noticed also that mummy it is well transferred by all patients and does not give by-effects. We have described two basic components, a part of "East elixir» but to finish a composition, the balm of a dogrose received in the unique way on modern СО2-technology which allows to take a primary matter from plants has been added, without destroying energy of their natural balance.

The primary matter taken from a plant, almost always has the form of the oil containing the basic stock of its vital forces. It is soul of a plant, its medical essence. Vegetative balms not rancidity, do not rot, do not spoil, have the specific pleasant smell. Correct application СО2-extraction in any preparation strengthens their properties, improves flavouring and aromatic qualities.

СО2-extract From hips is a polyvitaminic concentrate. In it the wide spectrum of vitamins and fitahormones contains: philahinon (vitamin K), a complex of vitamins A (olein , linoleic, linonical acids), V-carotin (provitamin A), tocopherals (vitamin E), phlavonoids (from vitamin group), vitamin C, terpenoids, pigments (licapin, arumin, sarbusin, xantophill, etc.). The similar polyvitaminic structure in itself possesses a wide spectrum of action: recycling, anti-inflammatory, allheal, normalising lipidical and vitamin exchange processes. Special value of an extract of a dogrose in its natural equation of biologically active components.

«East elixir», having incorporated all better qualities of honey, mummy and an extract of a dogrose and their amazing medical properties, will render the big help and will benefit any person directed to a high-grade and healthy life.


The elixir is applied:

1. At crises of bones, traumas of joints and a thorax, dislocations, bruises, stretchings of muscles, burns, cuts, ulcers on a skin, rheumatism:

  – Intake on 1-2 teaspoons (depending on body weight) three times a day, along with the possible
  Grinding of the amazed place. A course of application of 25-28 days, if necessary a course to repeat through   10 days.

2. At a headache, a migraine, dizziness, a paralysis of an obverse nerve:
  – Intake on 1 teaspoon two times a day. In the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before a dream within 25 days. An application course to repeat in 10 days.

3. At a thrombophlebitis of deep veins of the bottom finitenesses: Intake on 1 teaspoon two times a day within 25-28 days.

4. At inflammatory and allergic chronic diseases, quinsy, catarrh the top respiratory ways:

  - Intake on 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before a dream. Depending on the form diseases. A course of 25-28 days. 1-3 courses are recommended.
5. At stomach ulcers of a stomach and a duodenal gut, illness of a liver, a spleen, a bladder: 
  - Intake on 1 teaspoon, 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening before a dream are desirable on an empty stomach during 25-28 days. 1 course. Repeat course in 10 days of a break at the started stage of disease.

6 .At kostno-tubercular processes:  - Intake on 1 teaspoon within 25-28 days with repetition in 10 days of a break to apply in a mix with milk.

7. At diseases of peripheral nervous system, radiculitises, neurodermatitises, plexitis,
  Neuralgia:  - Intake 1-2 times a day with milk within 20 days, at simultaneous embrocation an elixir in painful sites.

8. At a periodontosis and inflammations of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity:
  - Intake 1-2 times a day in the evening necessarily before a dream within 25 days with milk and with
  Simultaneous application on gums.

9. At eczema finitenesses:  - Intake on 1 teaspoon 2 times a day in the morning and before a dream with sea-buckthorn berries or currant juice  At simultaneous massage of the amazed sites by an elixir diluted sea-buckthorn with juice.

10.  At a heartburn, a nausea, vomiting, an eructation:  – Intake on 1 teaspoon twice a day in the morning and in the evening before a dream within 25-28 days.  Improvement attacks 15 day.
11. At barreness at men and women:  - Intake on 1 teaspoon together with juice of carrots or sea-buckthorn berries two times a day on an empty stomach.  Course of reception of an elixir - 25-28 days. 

St. John's wort oil BAA

It is made with use of high technology of extraction of biologically active substances from a vegetative cage. St. John's wort oil - it СО2-balm St. John's wort, dissolved, in necessary concentration, in olive oil. A grass St. John's wort as highly effective medical means, is used by mankind on an extent more than two and a half thousand years. At this grass, as at east monarch, more than fifty names reflecting its advantages: John Krestitelja's grass, a magic grass, a field drugstore, a grass from 99 illnesses etc.
СО2- the technology has allowed to reproduce works of ancient alchemists on allocation and the concentration of "soul" of this plant bringing the maximum advantage to the person.
  In St. John's wort oil contain: flavonoids; the essence containing fitonicids; tannic, bitter resinous substances; hypericin; ascorbic and nicotinic acids; vitamins
Р and РР; carotin; saponon; choline; tocopherols.
  Flavonoids render spasmolitical action on smooth muscles of bilious channels, intestines, blood vessels and ureter. Increase bile outflow, interfering with stagnation of bile in a bilious bubble. Prevent formation of stones. Flavonoids stop spasms thick and small intestines, restore normal peristalsis, remove a spasm of blood vessels, especially capillaries. Vitamins
Р and РР render capillary roborant action, especially in the presence of vitamin C. Tannins give the chance to have to oil anti-inflammatory and knitting an effect. Fitonicids kill bacteria, suppress their growth and development. Hypericin possesses strong ранозаживляющим and antimicrobic action, thus has slightly calming influence, influencing a depression especially connected with a climax.
 St. John's wort oil is widely used in medicine. It apply at burns, frostbite, a gastritis, food poisoning, at a stomach ulcer, as microenemas at proctitis, at a cold dig in in a nose, it is used as embrocation at rheumatism and a lumbago, use as a vegetative energizer, and also for healing of wounds, simplification of pains at a stretching of sinews and dislocations, at hemorrhages and surrounding shingles, a fat skin,
гнойничках, hems, seborrhea, and as for compresses at the

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