CO2–extract of Savin (juniper)

СНПЧ А7 Чебоксары, обзоры принтеров и МФУ

CO2–extract of savin is an oily deep-brown substance from liquid to pasty consistence, with strong odour of raw savin. The extract can be dissolved in alcohol or oils, but cannot in water. Extract of savin contains: resins, waxes, organic acids (acetic, formic, ascorbic), trace elements, camphor, cadinene, phellandrene, etc.

Wax-like and resinous components predominant in the extract are emulsifiers and are natural habitat for vitamins and provitamins (A, D, E, F, K). Savin is a natural ozonizer. Among shrubby and wood species savin is a champion on the concentration and emanation of phytoncides which disinfect and make healthier an ambient air, stimulate host defenses. Extract of savin takes out surplus of mineral salts, normalizes exchange processes of organism, makes better a blood structure.

CO2–extract of savin is used in medicine: at treatment of skin cancer, articular rheumatism, paralysis, arthritis; in food industry: for aromatizing of soft drinks, pickles and saltings; in household chemistry: in air-fresheners; in beer and gins.

СНПЧ А7 Чебоксары, обзоры принтеров и МФУ
#fc3424 #5835a1 #1975f2 #2fc86b #fbeac9 #140f10441 #020613191828