CO2–extract of silver fir is an oily dense light-brown (with green tint) liquid with pronounced odour of fir, bitterish to the taste. The extract can be dissolved in organic solvents: acetone, ether, chloroform, alcohol, oils, but cannot in water. The extract is sterile and non-toxic. Extract of silver fir contains considerable amount of aromatic compounds: terpenes, camphene, carene, limonene, sesquiterpenes, terpenic alcohols, terpenic ethers, bornylacetate, boras camphor, humulene, and also resins, vitamins A, D, E, F, K, P.
Due to phytoncides CO2–extract of silver fir has bactericidal, antiinflammatory, sedative properties. Extract of silver fir is a very effective remedy at various dermatitises. Preparations based on extract of silver fir give a good results at preventive measures and cure of influenza, at cure of mastitis. Under influence of volatile phytoncides in a man’s organism the processes of accumulation and thriftier spending of vitamin С take place. Also positive oxidizing reactions take place, which have salutary influence on cardiovascular system, phagocytosis, activation of fermentative activity etc.
Extract of silver fir is widely used in cosmetic and perfumery industries: in shampoos, ointments, creams, toothpastes; in household chemistry: for softening and aromatizing of soaps, candles, for making fir-waxes, in antiinfluenza air-fresheners. Also extract of silver fir is used at resorts for phytotherapy: dispersion of the silver fir extract in a dose of 1 ml/m3 kills off more than 80 % of diphtheritic and whooping-cough sticks during a short time.